Mp3 Download song Ripped Emotions Dear Johnny FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Ripped Emotions song lyrics

Ripped Emotions - Dear Johnny Lyrics

Dear Johnny,
I took a walk the other day,
To clear my mind from the things I hate,
But when I came home, what I saw,
is the thing I HATE the most.

Some stupid bitch was lying in my bed,
and there you layed beside her head,
looking at me as if I was the one who fucked up
I thought you loved me.

I'm not whore
I'm not your bitch
I'm not "that girl" that you sleep with
Why do you play these games?
I thought you loved me. thought you loved me.

Dear Johnny,

I gave my life, i gave it all,
I risked the chance for me to fall,
I gave back my trust.
And yet you managed TO FUCK IT UP!

Once again i walked into my door,
To find you fucking her in my own bedroom,
Why do you plays these game with me?
I thought you loved me. Thought you loved me...

I'm not whore
I'm not your bitch
I'm not "that girl" that you sleep with
Why do you play these games?
I thought you loved me. thought you loved me.

Dear Asshole

I took my longest walk tonight,
I tried to clear my mind from the things that
I don't like,

And guess what came to my mind?
I saw your face and heard your lies,
You are the one I Depise!
You played these games with my heart,
You took my life, and now I see that
You don't love me... You don't love me..

I'm not whore
I'm not your bitch
I'm not "that girl" that you sleep with
Why do you play these games?
I thought you loved me. thought you loved me.

I'm not whore
I'm not your bitch
I'm not "that girl" that you sleep with
Why do you play these games?
I thought you loved me. thought you loved
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